
Monday, February 09, 2009

Chuck vs. the Presidential Address

Obama is preempting Chuck tonight. And this comes right on the heels of a month-long absence! Honestly, I don't know that I'll even watch Heroes tonight, even though last week's episode had something none of the others have had in the past two years: a story you could follow.

I'm sure the Presidential Address will be... something; Obama is a good orator. I'm just not interested in anything any politician has to say at this point. They always have a reason not to focus on the real issues, and though the economy is the biggest thing facing us all right this moment, it isn't as if you couldn't see this coming. So everything else that's been at the forefront for the last eight years or so gets pushed to the wayside while they "tackle this head-on" like they're really doing something... never-ending nonsense and, given my medical and living conditions, I'm the one who suffers; I am living proof that The System does not work.

And I simply bristle at the thought of hearing some career politician - even one I support, one I voted for, one I'm happy to have as a leader - blow smoke up my skirt. Busines as usual, in my humble opinion.

Ayway, no Chuck, blah Heroes... more to come.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

SO I did watch the Presidential Address and was actually quite impressed. President Barack Obama is simply awesome; he said what so many of us have been saying for years... for all the good it will do him.

I honestly fear for his life.