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Thursday, February 05, 2009


Well, it's exactly 3am as I write this and I am all but wide awake. I tried to sleep earlier and it didn't exactly work out, so I went ahead and got up and tweaked the site. There was some errant code in some of the pages which was returning a weird message across the top and I isolated the offender, with the help of my host's tech support department (okay, they did all the work, but I fixed it), and sorted it out. Then I went through and fixed a few more holes here and there. I'm sure there are many more, but I got about as deep into the thing as I could without losing my place.

I already know the navigation is wonky and I apologize, but that's a major tweak that will have to wait for another day(s). With a site as big as The Weirding, you have to work on it in sections - there's just no other way.

Anyway, I'm writing this to let you know that I have some running around to do today and already know I'll be sleeping-in until... well, until I wake up or the phone starts ringing (that's the more likely of the two). I'll have Image Comics' NYCC schedule posted before the evening is out, as well as a few more things.

I'm deep into the site right now and once I'm done, everything will hopefully come together quite nicely and you'll see what I've been going for all these years. After that, it's a matter of constant tweaking until I get it right.

Then I'll promptly sell it right out and retire to a whorehouse. Somewhere exotic (I'm a Romantic).

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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