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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Michael Cera in Arrested Development

Sources close to the project say lone hold-out, Michael Cera (Superbad, Juno), has finally agreed to do the Arrested Development movie. Ron Howard, the director and executive producer of the TV series, told Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet, "We've now been asked to stop offering any details... but it's looking good."

Now, wait a minute... you've got the chance to play a part you created in a full-length feature film directed by Ron Howard, alongside such castmembers as Jason Bateman, Jeffrey Tambor, Jessica Walter, Henry Winkler, and many more, and you were holding-out!? What, exactly, were you "holding-out" for, Mr. Superbad? Who do you think you are - George friggin' Clooney!?

Get a clue, little boy.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

In a new interview, David Cross repeatedly says he does not think an Arrested Development flick is going to happen, due to the time elapsed and the fact that so many of the castmembers have aged and gone on to other projects.