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Monday, February 16, 2009

Scarlett Johansson is the Black Widow

The Black Widow has always been one of my favorite characters, because Daredevil has always been one of my favorite characters and the two are both integrally, and intimately, tied. News has it that Scarlett Johansson has signed-on to the Iron Man 2 cast to play the Russian spy, whose real name is Natasha Romanoff (no relation - well, barely, anyway).

The Rundown has yet to confirm this, but it is being widely-reported and Johansson does look like Natasha - and it's not just the copper top. If I felt like doing it, I'd make a little Photoshop to crop her hair and prove my point... but. You know, I don't feel like it.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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