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Monday, February 16, 2009

Freaking Holidays

Will this string of holidays ever end!?

Truthfully, there isn't anything going on to report. I'm working on the Champions stuff, mainly because a lot of it is already done and just needs to be edited and formatted, but also because the manager of the Webring took my site off the list because I haven't updated it in so long. I find that shitty; he should have written me first, at least! Not to mention that most of the sites which are still active are comprised of at least 60% dead links.

But it lit a fire under my butt and got me back to it, at least.

It's hard going from system to system at the drop of a hat, which is why I try to focus on one project at a time until I get tired of it or something inspires me to move on. Lately, that has been Dark Conspiracy. It's a real pain to put all those books back on the shelf and pull out all the Champions stuff. It's even worse having to refamiliarize myself with the entire system - I haven't played Champions in at least five years!

Anyway, there will be a load of new pages up by tonight, though they certainly won't be tweaked-out, so I can't really tell you what to expect from them. If anything comes up in the meantime, I'll be sure to post.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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