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Monday, March 16, 2009

Harlan Ellison Sues Star Trek

Writer, Harlan Ellison, is suing Paramount and the Writers' Guild of America over revenue Paramount failed to pay him, resulting from his 1967 teleplay, City on the Edge of Forever. Ellison claims Paramount made millions off the episode, as well as merchandise and derivative works based on the episode. He also claims the WGA made promises to help him, then backed-out because they did not want to "rock the boat."

Ellison's case seeks compensatory, consequential, performance, and punitive damages from CBS Paramount. No monetary amount was stated. However, Ellison is suing the WGA for $1.00. In a prepared statement, the legendary science-fiction writer said, "I'm doing it for the 35-year-long disrespect and the money!"

Paramount released a series of Star Trek books (Crucible) based on the episode, as well as a talking Christmas ornament.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

This post was scheduled to go out at 1:30 and again at like 5:30... If the scheduler is still broken tomorrow, you might not hear from me until mid-morning or afternoon.