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Friday, March 06, 2009

A Slow Week

I actually got a bunch of PRs from Marvel today, but they went to the spam folder for no reason I can figure. Lucky I checked it, because there were like 5-8 of them in there! I wondered what had happened. I'll get them out to you throughout the weekend.

Tomorrow is my weekly art class, but I'll be here after that. This week was a bust and I'm sorry for that, but I told you it would be. So long as they don't shut off my Internet, this week should be better (I really don't expect them to, just throwing that out there).

I figured out a way to shut off the QoS in Vista and it seems to have solved my intermittent connectivity issue (knock wood - gosh, I hope I didn't jinx myself by blogging it!). If that's true, we really will be back to business as usual - you've no idea how much having to stop and reboot every 15-20 minutes can destroy your work "ethic" or whatever. Really kills the impetus and has put me off doing much of anything lately.

I know I said I was going to share the lizardman studies with you this week, I just never got around to it. I'll try to do it soon. I actually didn't get much further with them, anyway. We'll see what tomorrow's class brings; I may have some other stuff to show you after that.

Anyway, nothing much to report, just stopping-by to say hello before I crash-out. I know it's early yet, and I plan on being up for a minute, but I slept really well last night and simply could not wake up all day long, so if my body just needs the sleep, I'm going to give it what it wants.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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