THE SWORD tells the story of Dara Brighton, a young woman who witnesses the murder of her family at the hands of three very powerful elemental beings who are after a sword in her father's possession. In the aftermath, Dara attains the sword which gives her incredible abilities beyond her wildest beliefs. While the sword has thus far protected Dara in her quest for revenge, the final arc reveals even this great power has a shocking limitation - one that may be her undoing!
"We cannot wait to reveal what happens in the final arc," Illustrator, Jonathan Luna, said.
Writer, Joshua Luna, added, "From the moment we started working on this series, we’ve always had a very specific ending in mind. So, it’s been incredibly fun, dropping little hints and working towards the payoff, issue by issue. I think readers will be surprised to see how it ends."
THE SWORD #19 (APR090395), a 32-page, full-color comic book for $2.99, will be in stores August 2009.
The Weirding and The Rundown reviewed issue #12 of The Sword last October and enjoyed it very much. Check out our review, then check out The Sword at your local comics dealer's (or find one by clicking on the link to the right).
© C Harris Lynn, 2009
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