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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mice Templar Strike Back at High Prices

The Mice Templar: Destiny17 August 2009 (Berkeley, CA) - Despite erroneous pricing on THE MICE TEMPLAR #2, the series will maintain a $2.99 price point through its entire run!

"In this challenging economic time, we certainly know it's always a shock when your favorite book raises its price point unexpectedly," writer Bryan J.L. Glass said. "As regular comics buyers who understand the importance of consistent pricing, we're dedicated to keeping MICE TEMPLAR: DESTINY at $2.99 for the foreseeable future. We apologize for the very regretful error on the cover of issue #2."

While retailers were charged regular price for MICE TEMPLAR: DESTINY #2, the cover featured an erroneous price of $3.99 and they are advised to charge their shoppers no more than the regular price. Future, regular-size issues will return to the $2.99 price point for the run of 'DESTINY'.

MICE TEMPLAR: DESTINY #3 (JUL090401), a 32-page, full-color comic book for $2.99, will be in stores September 2nd, 2009.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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