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Friday, August 14, 2009


I have promise myself that I will one day attend GenCon and DragonCon, it simply hasn't happened yet. I'm seriously missing gaming and with all my online gaming friends away at GenCon this weekend, and me by myself here, I had to take a day off just to... "veg." We watched the meteor shower the other night (what we could see of it) and drank too much - I'm not 100% on exactly how many actual shooting stars we saw...

Obviously, a lot of folks are at GenCon and I wanted to do little more than crack open the books and maybe knock-out a couple pages on the site, but I had my mom up for a couple days and then had a friend over last night, and may have company coming up this weekend, so I'm going to be pressed for time. If no one comes up, I'll prolly do some gaming design, but housework is the primary focus of my agenda.

Anyway, I've no idea how much to expect in the way of PRs, announcements, and etc., but (as always), we'll take it as it comes. Whether or not you are able to attend GenCon, I hope your weekend is great - just a few more left this summer!

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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