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Friday, August 14, 2009

Where Should I Shop Online? (Not an Ad)

I decided to pose this question to y'all because I know a lot of my personal friends come by, and I've made friends through this blog whose opinions I trust:

I live so far out, I have to find somewhere to shop online. I can technically drive - like, I have my license and it's current, etc. - but it makes my neck hurt so bad that keeping up with insurance and all that was just too much, so I sold my car. Obviously, moving this far out was not in the cards at that time but either way it goes, I can't afford a car for how little I use one. I do, however, have to have things.

I'm wondering if any of you shop online and where you would suggest. I'm looking at,,, and each has things I need, but I'm new to this. Amazon has groceries and things, but damn are they high! So, any suggestions?


© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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