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Monday, October 26, 2009

Melancholy Monday

Hey, you nerds!

Well, I cleared-off the GeoCities site. It's the last day for the old site, which served us so well for so many years - about 10, to be... well, when are we ever exact here? I joined Yahoo! in 1997 and already had a GeoCities account - again, estimated (it may have been 1998) - but I hadn't put anything on there, really. I think I had a little page with a few pictures or something, maybe some kind of "introductory" text, but I wasn't really planning on doing anything with it.

Fear the Outside had a Google PR of 8 in 2006. That's pretty good! Especially since I hadn't done anything with it in over a year. While the content was good (duh), the formatting was shite. There were hardly any pictures past the Table of Contents... it was just a general mess. But I also didn't have Internet throughout most of 2004-2005, so what little I did get published was a minor feat.

Anyway, I had all this stuff on CD, but we all know how my luck has been, so I went ahead and saved it all again, just in case. Of course, I haven't even looked at any of this stuff in 3-4 years, and I really didn't even know half of it was there! I have an entire department of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay material that I, to this day, do not recall ever creating! I did create it - my unmistakable stench is all over it - I just don't... I don't even remember when I was into WFRP! Not that into it. Apparently it was sometime in 2002-2003.

Anyway, it's made me a bit wistful - just kind of... melancholy is the only word I think captures it. You know, just a little nostalgic and the like. So much has happened since then that it's flatly impossible for me to recall some of this stuff, so it's interesting, but depressing.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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