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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chew's New Arc? Already Sold-Out

Chew15 December 2009 (Berkeley, CA) - CHEW, the highly acclaimed new series by writer John Layman and artist Rob Guillory, has begun its second story arc, "International Flavor," with yet another complete, distribution-level sell out!

"When CHEW was first announced, many people expressed skepticism as to the longevity of a series about an investigator who gets psychic impressions from the things he eats. With the release of CHEW #6, the first issue of its second story arc, "International Flavor," we prove that CHEW has legs beyond its initial arc. In fact, we're confident CHEW won't start sucking until at least issue #7. Pick one up next Wednesday, December 23, and find out for yourself!"

CHEW's star, Detective Tony Chu, is a cop with a secret. As a Cibopath, Detective Chu gets a psychic impression from whatever he eats. While it means he's a hell of a Detective if he can stomach the evidence, once his secret gets out, the government makes plans for him - whether he likes it or not. CHEW blends horror, mystery, and the strangest ability of them all in an ongoing series of horrific crimes solved in the most horrific way possible. While copies may still be available at your local comic book store, there are no plans to reprint the issue at this time.

CHEW #7 (OCT090413), a 32-page full color comic book for $2.99, will be in-stores December 23, 2009

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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