"Considering the substantial overprint, we're quite pleased by how quickly IMAGE UNITED has sold out," Kirkman said. "The reception to the first issue was immense - with its own sell-out the day of release - but to hear it's happening a second time, two days before, makes everyone involved very happy. This crossover is a major labor of love, so we're very thankful for the support from both our fans and retail partners."
IMAGE UNITED is a six-part crossover encompassing the entire Image superhero universe and features each Image founder illustrating their own characters. Since its announcement, the crossover has garnered headlines from the New York Times, USAToday, and other media outlets clinging desperately to what passes for "life," with its once-in-a-lifetime approach to the superhero crossover. Despite a significant overprint, the second issue completely sold-out at a distribution-level two days before release! A new printing will be released in January with a new cover by Rob Liefeld.
IMAGE UNITED #2 2nd-Printing, a 32-page, full-color comic book for $3.99, will be in stores January 20th, 2010.
© C Harris Lynn, 2009
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