
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Things and Stuff

What up, boners? Can't say as there's much of anything this way; this has been a slow news week to beat slow news weeks! I guess everyone's hungover from the Superbowl and snowed-in and stuff, but... whatever.

I am keeping the faith and working earnestly, though still recovering. I am reading Siege (I ordered all of it) and developing a free fantasy game, with system, for you. No ETA on the latter, though bits of it will start appearing by March at the latest (probably later this month). There's no way to playtest it, though an ample portion of it is based on previously playtested material developed for another project. This is all to be released into the public domain, in a sense - Creative Commons, just like (most of) the rest of the RPG content - so you can do whatever you want with it. It's not just a project to pass the time, it's what I've been promising for years now and simply haven't been able to deliver.

As for Siege, I just put in my order for the entire thing. For those of you who bitch about gamers and fans, like myself, who have the audacity to advertise and charge for our work - such a novel, and thoroughly blasphemous, concept! - know that it allows me to do things like this. Marvel Comics isn't going to send critics the entire Siege saga, so this is the only way I was going to be able to actually review one of these massive crossover events instead of just complaining about them right-out. And regardless of what you may think, I don't relish the idea of having to read 5-10+ titles a month which I would otherwise not read... at all. But I know that there are worse jobs.

So, I'm gonna go do that reviewing thing. And the fantasy game thing. Then sleep some more. Stuff. Don't forget Weirding TV this Saturday - we're going to setup an IM/IRC chatroom/channel one of these days so we can all watch together in real time. For now though, just enjoy the all-American goodness of Japanimation and... cartoons largely developed and produced in foreign countries.



© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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