
Monday, March 01, 2010

TLC Refuses to Extend Miss America Contract

The Miss America pageant will not return to cable network, TLC, despite last year's ratings, which were the highest ever for the 89-year old contest on cable TV. The Miss America pageant ran for three years on the network, but the contract was not extended today. The network did not say why it chose not to renew the contract, though it may have to do with controversy surrounding Christian-based comments promoting hatred toward homosexuals which have surrounded the pageant in the last few years.

Carrie Prejean stated she did not believe in gay marriage, based on her "conservative" Christian beliefs, which she then said cost her the competition. More recently, Lauren Ashley - who claimed to represent Beverly Hills - said gays should be put to death. Representatives from Beverly Hills were quick to denounce Ashley's comments and point-out that have no association with any beauty pageant and Ashley was not a representative of their town.

Sam Haskell, the chairman of The Miss America Organization, said TLC had told them they were not renewing the contract back on January 30th, though. Haskell claims the network had wanted a new, two-year, contract for less money. Haskell also said he would find another network for the pageant and that at least four other networks had already expressed interest in airing the show.

Reports do not mention the Christian hatemongering, suggesting instead that low ratings were the cause of the dispute.

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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