
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Adam Ant Hospitalized Again

Stuart Goddard, who had several hits in the 1980s under the name Adam Ant, has been hospitalized again, following a number of bizarre and offensive public outbursts. Goddard has a history of depression and has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He was hospitalized under Britain's Mental Health Act, which apparently allows authorities to lock-up people they deem "offensive."

Adam Ant angered the crowd of a charity concert by singing Sympathy for the Devil, and when they began booing and jeering him (certainly offensive), he allegedly went on a "tirade" in which he told them all to "fuck-off." Another version of the story says Goddard stopped the concert to teach a four-year old the words to a song, and when the audience began jeering him, asked if any of them were Christians before cursing them. However, the concert was held at a church hall and billed as a Christian charity event.

Even more bizarre, some fans who were in attendance say Adam Ant swore and sang Sympathy for the Devil, but did not storm off stage, and the church/congregation was not at all upset with him. Ant's nieces and the promoter's son apparently got into an altercation and that angered some of the congregation.

What actually happened is not clear; what is clear is that Adam Ant managed to say something which offended an audience of Christians who were jeering the performer, so they had him detained and placed in a mental hospital against his will for "observation."

Make no mistake about it though, Stuart Goddard deserved to be placed under observation in 2003, when he attempted to break-in to a neighbor's home, then pulled down his pants.

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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