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Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Cleaning: An Update

It's just all action all the time here, huh? There's nothing too important here; just babbling about nothing.

There's a reason I'm not more organized. Technically, I get quite organized about once a year and it lasts about three months, and I have been stuck in this cycle for several years now. Unfortunately, I'm not going to change. That's the wisdom that comes with age. It's not that I've given-up nor that I'm comfortable with it, it's just the truth.

The biggest thing to getting organized is developing a system for organization. This requires creating directory trees, labeling and filing folders (both online and off), and so forth -- at least if you're serious about it -- and all of that has to be done before you can sort the first thing. That is what I've been doing for days now.

Most of it has been with comic books so far, and I told you I ran out of boxes, so I have had to change my system to accommodate the lack of space. The good thing is that I've been able to trim some of the fat from my collection. My strategy is to dump the junk and trade-up. Collecting has always been part of the fun for me, and I'm a completist, so I have a loose plan for getting the comic books I want largely by trading-off the comic books I don't care for.

I am also going over options for the blogs and the site. This is a brand new computer and I'm still configuring it. Most of the programs I use have updated and I am still learning to navigate their new interfaces, how to set them, and the like. I'm sorry I missed the self-imposed deadline, and I realize it's the first Halloween update I've ever missed (so far), but I have a lot on my plate and I'm still working.

That is all.

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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