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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rusty Solomon: Eat, Drink, etc.

Rusty Solomon will explain to you why it is healthy to drink wine - not just with meals, but in general. Drinking wine may help you live longer, as well as prevent certain adverse health issues like strokes and heart disease. But do not take my word for it, take the American Heart Association's!

You read that right: The AHA says drinking wine each day will improve your health. At least the health of your heart. It can also help prevent diabetes and strokes. Of course, exercise and eating well goes along with the program. Rusty Solomon explains it all on his site.

Everyone should be concerned about his or her health and well-being, and Rusty Solomon lays out a convincing argument for why drinking wine can help. Besides, drinking wine is fun! What better way to improve your health and decrease the likelihood of disease than living well? Check it out!