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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

They Gave-Up on Buffy by Season 7

Joss Whedon recently mocked Buffy the Vampire Slayer when signing an autograph. We have some Buffy material coming up and Whedon is still involved in the monthly production of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic book (Dark Horse), but he does not appear interested in pursuing anything to do with it that could be broadcast. Still, I love Buffy and her whole multiverse or whatever she's got going on over there and I intend to share this love with you all. Eventually.

For now, these pithy observations on season 7 (the final season of the series and one that I am just now getting around to watching) will have to suffice:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer ended at the right time. For whatever reason(s), the creators involved - including the cast - had kind of given-up on it. I do recall that Angel was disappointing in the ratings, despite having a vocal and supportive following, and the production company was going broke. While that accounts for the lack of SFX in the later seasons, the creative team simply wasn't up to snuff by season 7.

The wit and humor is all but gone; they're stunt-casting with former guest stars and regulars from earlier seasons; and even though they keep adding layer after layer to the legend of the Slayer, most of it is obviously focused on characters they were likely hoping to spin-off into other series. Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 7 simply isn't as good as earlier seasons.

© The Weirding, 2014

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