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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Am I Going to Heaven?

My every plan this weekend was to work solely on the site and have everything up and running by tomorrow. That's still going to happen (well, the forums will prolly be wonky, but that was a given from jumpstreet), but it may be Monday afternoon/early evening before everything is up and going.

Right now, you can find the Frisky Dingo interview and the new forums and go over them, if you like. Frisky Dingo should come right up, but it was giving me an Unauthorized access error yesterday. I cleared the server cache
and hope that fixed it, but no guarantees. If you keep getting a 405, let me know and I'll re-upload the directory and go from there. I just checked and it looks like it's coming up fine now.

What happened was that my neighbor finally decided to move yesterday, and I had to help. I didn't mind, it's just that she had been saying it was going to go down since Monday, and my entire week has really centered on going to bed and getting out of bed early, just to be ready... and nothing happened until yesterday. Anyway, she got moved and I assume she and the rest of her family are busy arranging and decorating now.

Then, my folks dropped off the wiener dog for me to watch while they went to a fundraiser for a friend of theirs who has cancer. I had already purchased beer and chicken to take over to the neighbor's house and we were going to play Monopoly and watch movies while the womenfolk dinked around the house, but I had to come back here instead. And I had to drink all the beer because it goes bad several hours after you take it out of the store. Or that's the word on the street.

Now I have to shower, cook the chicken, start the chili I've been putting off making for far too long now, wash dishes, get the site up and going, and watch Red Dawn ("Wolverines!"). Stay tuned, as I have a buttload of posts today - most of them are drafts that have been setting around here for weeks or even months, and I'm cleaning everything out so I can post some ads and get everything together. Somehow, everything is going to tie-in to the site eventually and I have to start getting things in line for that to happen.

And, of course, tonight is [adult swim]... so I've a busy day ahead of me.

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