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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Dave Sim Draws Funnybooks

I've noticed Mr. Sim has taken to preaching, as late. I have a problem with that, but since Mr. Sim came to such a calling so late in life, I'll accept that as the reason he has gone so far in the wrong direction so quickly.

His problems with homosexuality are troubling. The Lord accepts all men, all women, all people -- regardless of their sins, color, sexual preference - and He doesn't even always ask them to change their ways (how would you change the color of your skin?); we are all sinners, Mr. Sim, and the Lord offers us salvation, not condemnation. Further, Christ never spoke of homosexuality. Historically, most of the condemnations of homosexuality and promiscuity were made specifically to defy the Romans. While the earliest Jews were prudes, and many other sects arose which eschewed sexuality in most all forms, the Church has always been a haven for homosexuals and the truth is that God doesn't care who you have sex with or how, so long as it is consensual.

His assertions that "the last prophet" was Mohammed are troubling: it smacks of politicism, intellectualism, and gives a nod to Sim's bonafide Savior Complex (I make the calls here; it's my blog); there will be prophets, Mr. Sim. His promotion of the "anyone who blames society is playing the victim" mentality is troubling; how did you gain your fame, Mr. Sim? Do you honestly think you have no effect on society? Or do you think that the society -- the subsect of a mainstream society to which you have always pandered -- upon which you have an effect is unworthy? Who is playing the victim now?

Sim's sudden desire to publicly voice his acceptance of the Lord is the most troubling of all. I tend to disbelieve anyone who feels their best prayer is done in front of everyone, for everyone to see. It's one thing to praise God, and it's very commendable; it's quite another to take it upon yourself to tell others what you think you know of His nature. Specifically if it seems a little too much like you're begging desperately for Salvation instead of actually trying to get closer to Him.

Your reliance on "The Scripture" belies your true nature, sir: the Lord does not want you to lend unto Him your celebrity in order to spread His word! God does not need your help! And your continuing need to rectify differing religions, while admirable, is not your job. Believe it or not, almost everything you've heard of or read or purport to believe has been handed down to you by men. Not smarter men; men just like you!

The Lord will accept anyone who will have Him. Leave it to the churches and demagogues to make God exclusive and be content to tell others of the joy you've found in Him. The Church and those damned lip-service Christians have turned enough people away from God. Your mission should be to bring them back, not strengthen their bigoted position.

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