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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Bad Mood and a Quasi-Apology

I just wanted to briefly mention that I realize I’ve been a little snotty and mouthy lately, and while I apologize if I’ve hurt anyone’s feelings (that really was not my intention), I’m not really sorry for being in a bad mood. Other people get in bad moods all the time and if I had a nickel for every person online who has written me a curt, dismissive, and/or rude e-mail or IM, I’d be able to afford Comic-Con. And a stretch limo to take me there!

Still, this month has been an exceptional one as far as bad things go: I got sick for about a week, thought I got over it and it came back, then my car battery cable broke, then I got that fixed and the damn battery itself was dead... I’ve been having all sorts of problems with the website - no, more specifically, my host has been having all sorts of problems with their network (I wrote them a pretty rude little missive last night, but I finally just exploded after not being able to get hold of anyone by telephone since last week) - and with the other blogs I run. I had a potential roommate who jerked me around about moving for a little over a month (went off on that, too - and I am not sorry for that, not even a little bit)... Lindsay got arrested again...

It’s just been a real run of things recently.

Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful that I am alive and at least healthy enough that these are the worst problems I have (knock wood), but give me a break! Everyone deserves to blow their top once in a while, and this month was my time.

Still, if I offended anyone with my bad attitude lately, you know... eat it.

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