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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Coming Up

Sorry things have been sparse today. There is a little news here and there, but there have been intermittent thundershowers in the vicinity all day long. Not that it rained much - it stormed pretty hard for all of about 60 seconds this afternoon and nothing since - but there was a lot of lightning for a couple of hours.

Now tomorrow is the day we get a lot of our announcements, but I have to go into town to pay bills and do my “big” shopping (it’s literally about half the cost of shopping anywhere way out here, so once a month or so, I go “to town” and stock-up on everything, then shop only when I have to around home) and then I have a doctor’s appointment later that afternoon, so I don’t know how much you’ll actually see tomorrow.

Needless to say, it may be a busy weekend even though weekends are usually deader than a doornail as far as hits go. That being the case, I will try to stretch it out through the first of the week. I am expecting my shipment of unknown comics sometime next week too, so there will be new reviews as well.

Anyway, get some sleep cuz tomorrow’s Friday! And you know you party.

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