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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Eureka, Season 2 - So Far

One of our readers, Drew, said that he hadn’t seen the last two weeks of Eureka. As you all know, we here are avid Eureka fans, and so I thought I’d go ahead and run them down for Drew and everyone else:


The last two episodes played more like fillers to me than anything and I was a bit disappointed. Hopefully, for such a solid show, this means they have a season of good, strong material and are just putting a few onesies at the top of the season so new viewers get a kind of overview of the show. By "onesies," I mean one-shot stories that have no larger, overarching consequences of any real value. Smallville is rife with them - shows where a certain situation brews, is handled summarily, and life goes on. Within the program, they manage to forward the ongoing storylines, but only by degrees. These furthering plot points are recapped at the beginning of the next show.

Last week, Fargo got trapped in a force field which kept growing and could not be shut off because once its batteries wore down, it drew energy from its environment, meaning it was sucking off Fargo’s life force. Our Hero, Jack Carter, managed to figure out the only way to stop things (with his faithful - and incredibly hot - deputy’s help, of course... Yo Jo!). This was memorable only because, even though Carter often steps up at the last minute to do what needs to be done, it is usually Henry or even Nathan who manages to “solve” things - Carter just gets stuck doing what has to be done. This is not always the case, but is the general formula.

This week, Carter got “trapped” inside a braindancing unit programmed by the turncoat psychiatrist, who was conveniently out of town. Once again, he was able to get out of the situation but only because only he was involved in it. They also decided that Chloe would stay in Eureka with her dad. This is memorable because Jack’s ex-wife has the cutest little overbite and in the TVland of perfect tits and perfect teeth, it really makes her stand out as a little cutie.

Now, with all this having been said, I do not want to give anyone the impression that Eureka is formulaic - far, far from it! But, obviously, it has its own formula; all TV shows do - they have to, because that’s how TV works. You have certain Beats you have to hit before commercial breaks and an A storyline and a B storyline and once you know how that works, you can quickly “predict” certain things about a show (such as - “they’re about to switch back to character X,” “hang on, it’s about to go to commercial,” etc.).

I also don’t want anyone to think that just because these two shows weren’t up to the normal level of greatness I’ve come to expect from this show that it means the show isn’t as good as it was last season or anything else; that’s my opinion. But, further, this season is really focusing on continuing the storylines started last season and they have been paying more attention to the ongoing dramas than just going from situation to situation.

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