
Saturday, August 04, 2007

Today's Agenda

Okay, we have a bunch of news I’ll try to get out today. I know I’ll get some of them out, but probably not all of them. Like I said, I’ll try to stretch them out because I know most people are busy over the weekend. I’m going to be a little busy myself, since I didn’t get into town yesterday. Instead, I spent all day running around here in 100° weather and nearly made myself sick! It got so bad in the car that I literally was gasping for air; it was like standing over a bonfire!

Anyway, I have to get into town and do a bunch of stuff and I have to go early since everything closes early on Saturdays. That means that I won’t be able to get anything going here until this afternoon, but I will definitely have some things to share.

Still, it is supposed to be around 100° again today, so maybe we will get more hits than usual. You should stay inside, keep cool, and read all day long!

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