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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Insomnia and the Red Eye

I once read or heard somewhere that almost all adult Americans have at least one or two nights a week where they have problems falling and staying asleep. I don't know if this is true or not - I tend to distrust literally anything the pharmaceutical companies say, as well as anything the government says, all commercials, people with bad hair, and especially people with really good hair - but it does seem plausible. Pretty much everyone I've ever known has said they suffer this same problem.

Well, tonight is one of those nights for me, so I thought I'd get up and check out Red Eye. Now, I used to stay up specifically to watch Red Eye, but they had a run of duds a couple weeks back and I started watching movies instead, and I just haven't gotten back into the Red Eye habit (now that sounds just plain wrong). But I did see Patrick Warburton on there last week promoting Underdog and absolutely no one mentioned Venture Brothers! I had a note of that and never got to it, so I figured I would mention it.

Tonight, they had Johnny V. from Scott Baio is 45 and Single. I think that guy might be fun to hang out with for all of maybe five minutes. I saw the episode where he got mud all over Baio and, like Baio said, 'This guy will do anything for a laugh,' and after a certain age, that's just unacceptable behavior. Well, maybe not "unacceptable," but just plain... you know, it gets old. Still, he doesn't seem like a bad guy at all - seems like it would be a fun five minutes, at least.

I even took some of my pain medication even though my neck isn't really hurting. Oddly, I am more awake now than before I took it! I have to try and get some kind of sleep, no matter how spotty.

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