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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Absolutely Nothing's Working But Me...

Well, I would just love to give you the list of Marvel Comics coming out tomorrow, but my computer decided not to work.

Long story short, my dad’s computer isn’t working and I looked up the problem online and it said it might be the power pack (which is what I figured anyway), so seeing as how mine is oversized and hangs out the side anyway, I just unhooked it and tried it without luck. So I plug it back in and mine won’t even turn on now - it just beeps!

I looked it up and it said something about a possible video card problem, which does make sense seeing as how I’ve been going through monitors left and right the past year or so, but seeing as how it’s nearly a decade old, I’m just going to bite the bullet and buy a new one. I know I’ll have to do without this month, but damn - it’s not like I’ve been doing with any other month, now is it?

Anyway, I have literally been up all night long. I have one hard drive that will not take anything - Linux, XP, 98, 95 - nothing. It gets all the way to the end, then says, “System Disk Error - Hit F1 to reboot.” It’s a stupid Compaq 2000 that had Server 2003 on it, but the damned HD was only like 2.2 GB, so it couldn’t hold anything and I don’t need a server, so I completely deleted the entire drive - boot sector and all (yeah, I know, but like I care! I’ve loaded 10 different OS on it since about 5:00 yesterday and not one has taken yet!). I’m going to give XP one more shot, then Linux one more shot, and then I’m going to bed...

Unless something truly exciting happens - like something actually effing works for a change!

I’ll definitely be back later because I have got to try and find a way to get to the site files on my hard drive so I can put the site together in time!

It’s always something. That’s why I never set deadlines - and yet, this one would have easily been met, were it not for an Act o’ God...

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