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Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day

Today is Blog Action Day and that means that we bloggers are being asked to post about the environment. As long-time readers know, we here to The Rundown and The Weirding in general are big advocates of environmental concerns. We often discuss how the environment can be helped by more people carrying out more mundane, everyday chores online. It saves on emissions, it saves on packaging, it saves on energy, and more.

But it is not an easy thing to change your entire life in one fell swoop and we are not suggesting anyone try. But in order to change at all, you have to take a first step, so I would suggest that more people do exactly that:

Why not make your next book purchase at Amazon? Why not order your comics through Things From Another World? Many of our sponsors offer online coupons and codes for some of the largest retailers, meaning you not only help the environment, but you actually save money!

Most credit cards and banks now have online protection programs you can look into if you are worried about fraud and theft, and most of the larger, more well-known online retailers have great security and offer replete information on their processes and programs. You really needn't be worried about using your credit card online, though it is a valid concern. If you take a few moments to research the matter, you can make an informed decision as to what you want to do and how far you want to carry it.

And there are other ways to change for the better - again, they are not major lifestyle changes, but every little bit helps. Change your lightbulbs to the new energy-efficient units; rinse out the cans you drink from and separate them into another container for recycling; make sure to turn off any lights and other devices you are not using; completely unplug phone chargers after the phone is charged - they still use energy while plugged in, even if they are not actively charging the phone; set your computer's Energy-saving settings to automatically shut-off your monitor and hard drives when not in use.

Every little bit helps and these small changes may not seem very important, but getting used to doing any, and especially several, of these things will make a difference.

Kudos to all our fellow bloggers in the blogosphere who have stepped-up to the plate and participated in Blog Action Day!

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