
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What's Going Down?

I have a press release or two to get out to you, including a correction for the Hellgate: London release I sent out yesterday (Dark Horse), but I have been busy. I slept late, until around 2:00 PM, but I didn't actually go to sleep until damn near 9:00 this morning, and was then awakened at 10:00 by the maintenance man who had to change the batteries in the alarms and AC filter, etc.

All of this legal bullshit has taken its toll on me. I am about this far from a nervous breakdown (no real need for graphics, is there?). I am still playing phone-tag with every lawyer I find online and to whom I am referred, and none of them have been able to give me a firm answer on anything - no one has!

I was told I had until the 11th to file an appeal and three of those days were weekend/holidays, so I had to file pro-se, even though I had (and still have) no idea whether or not I really care to appeal the stupid conviction. It was, beyond the shadow of any doubt, a wrongful conviction, but I can't afford a criminal attorney and so far, none have been willing to take the case pro-bono or at a cut-rate. Still, I spoke with a criminal defense attorney today and she said not to ask about dropping the appeal until after I speak with a civil attorney and the earliest that will happen is Friday. I told her that no one seemed to know whether or not I could drop the appeal and she said they were lying because, if they don't know, who would?

I was like, "Yes, that is pretty much the way Decatur County, TN works." No one I've spoken with seems to appreciate the fact that these cats are fast-tracking the entire thing, deceiving me, withholding information and evidence from me, and just doing whatever they can to cover their butts and railroad me.

The withholding of evidence and information, deception, intimidation, threats, provocation, instigation, antagonistic behavior, harassment, violation of my civil liberties and legal rights, persecution, and blatant disregard for my human rights is so brazen and openly aggressive that it is making me physically sick! But what the hell can I do? Supposedly, not even the DA has a transcript or recording of the hearing and I do not even know exactly what I was convicted of!

I found out the fines and court costs are just under $500. If I do go through with the appeal, it is very possible they will find me guilty, maybe even bring more charges against me - may even sentence me to more time!

I am scared to death I will either end up in prison or actually will end up "floating in the river," as they have threatened me. "Don't start something you can't finish," indeed, Decatur County, TN legal system.

It's really taking its toll on me in more ways than one. To say nothing of all the time it's taken away from my Devil-worshiping.

But aside from the personal hell I am being forced to endure, I wanted to mention that Hellcat is going to be posting soon. I know I made a short introduction last week, but she (and her whole family) got sick, but she said she was going to get at least something up tonight - and I am holding her to it!

Hellcat is going to be filling-in while I work on getting content and features published and operational over to The Weirding. She is also basically in charge of The Speakeasy and y'all need to get over there and sign-up and start chattering! Depending on whether or not I wind-up in prison or the river (either way, it is pretty much settled that Decatur County, TN has plans to kill me - I don't think my skinny ass can survive prison, even if I am somebody's bitch), she will take over the site and the blogs. So please try to make her feel welcome!

And if it sounds like I am taking all this legal stuff a bit too far, you really do not know Decatur County, TN! I have every right and reason to fear for my safety, sanity, health, freedom, and very life, and I am trying everything I can to move out of here ASAP. Of course, depending on what I am told and how things go, I may still have to appear in court. And given the way they have abused me and the legal system and blatantly disregarded my rights and the law in general, I feel pretty certain I am going to end up in the prison, the mental ward, or the TN River...

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