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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Second Verse, Same as the First

Same basic agenda today: I am going to get a lot of these press releases out the door throughout the day and in the meanwhile, I will be working on tags and removing the PPP badges from older posts. Man is this a job! I am just through like the Ds on the tags and you have to remember this blog is over two years old and I sometimes have as many as 10+ posts a day... over 1500 posts to go through and correct.

Of course, maintenance is part of the job, and once it is all done, The Rundown will be tighter, cleaner, better organized, and easier to navigate. It will definitely payoff in the long-run, it's just one hell of an undertaking!

Once it is all done, I am going to rearrange the sidebar and most likely add a tag cloud. At the end of all this retooling, The Rundown is moving to its own domain - well, a sub-domain off The Weirding, proper.

After all is done with the blogs, I am going to release the new section of Chill, along with a holiday feature. After that, I will try to finish the Chill stuff I already have up and then I am going to move onto another big RPG project. I won't say what it is, but I can tell you that it is dark and sci-fi-related.

S.A.F.E. had to be put on-hold until I can get into the old XP hard drive. There is a whole lot of it ready to publish, I just can't get to any of it!

Also, the fan went out on this box last night, so I am having to do what I can for an hour or two, then let it cool-off for an hour or so and go back to work. I am going to pull the other boxes apart and see if I can't find a fan that will fit this one to swap-out, but I either couldn't before or just never bothered to change it because I didn't do it yet.

Don't forget to vote for me!

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