
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Under Construction

I will get more out to you as the day progresses, but for now, I need to go in and do some technical stuff. Give me a few hours, then you might want to clear your cache and cookies and reload the site. These are mainly cosmetic changes - moving some graphics and things around - but there is one specific thing that I wanted to point-out:

For as much as so many people bitched and claimed they were going to put up a fight against Google's blatant strong-arming of PPP and those of us affiliated with them, I am the only blogger I've seen throughout the entirety of the Blogosphere who kept his PPP badges and links up for this long; everyone else caved-in immediately.

But my decision to remove these badges is not specifically because of this - prompted by Google's mob tactics, yes, but I had been thinking of this for a long time beforehand because no one has ever reivewed any of my blogs, so they're really just outgoing links that do nothing for me. I take that back, one guy did review one of my posts, but I never received any money for it and do not know if he did, either.

I also want to chastise PayPerPost, because I gave them until today to see if they were going to be able to support me and anyone else who decided to stand-up for them (if there are any - I haven't seen or found anyone else), and they simply haven't. I understand it's going to take some time for their new RealRank system to come into its own, and I am not ending my affiliation with the company because I sincerely hope they win-out in the end and things go back to normal, but for now, the advertisers simply aren't using RR; advertisers are still going by Google's PR, so I'm in a no-win situation here and PPP has offered me no kudos, no incentives - nothing - to continue supporting them in such a manner (leaving my badges and banners up).

Not only has my PR dropped and hits gone down because of my association with PPP, I'm not receiving any offers from the company, so I'm just getting fucked all the way around.

I don't see it as my having given-in; I see this as a corporate war where the real casualties are ignored - which is redundant. This is why I hate American industry and corporations, in general, and why I decided to start publishing my own works online, as opposed to traditional methods.

I have no doubt that visits will pick back up in time, but for now, I'm suffering and no one else is, so I have to do what's best for me and me alone.

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