
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

American Idol - The Girls

Wow! That sucked ass.

Not one of those chicks tonight sang worth a damn! Every, single one of them was off-key or just plain bad. The weird, Medusa-looking Elvira knock-off hit the right keys throughout most of her song, but cut everything short. That was the problem with both of the broads who did Heart songs, too! Heart songs have all those runs and extended notes and both of them cut them down to where they were almost rapping them. The few girls who did open up (ew!) and belt it out were basically off-key when they did so.

Last night's episode wasn't much better. Although the guys weren't as bad as the females tonight, not one of them really stood out except the really young guy who did Imagine and he plodded through it. I mean, he sang it well enough, but by the time he finally got through it, he had hit puberty. And would have graduated college, had he not been so busy singing.

I wonder if I'll even watch it next week?

American Idol has been like this for many, many seasons now: it starts off fun and energetic, then quickly falls off. I may catch some of the episodes with the top ten, but I don't know.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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