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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Just in Case...

As you have probably noticed, I have been playing-around with the template lately. I am trying to find a decent contextual advertiser and also get things looking better. Google AdSense just doesn't pay well. Meaning to say that, having had them on a host of sites and blogs for the past two years, I have yet to make enough money to actually get paid by them, and I have read with disturbingly increasing frequency about how they often go back in and remove valid clicks, stopped counting click-throughs for Google products, and other violations without ever alerting us. I do not know for certain that these allegations are true, but - not unlike the Decatur County, TN legal system - Google just does whatever they want and no one stands-up to them.

It is why I honestly fear both Google and the Decatur County, TN police, DA, and overall system!

Either way, the reason I am posting this is so that, if you start experiencing viewing problems or just general wonkiness, you know why. The next part of what I am about to do is technically confusing and even though it doesn't look like much from your end, is actually pretty involved. So if I get to a point where I just can't get any further with it (ergo, it ends up taking me all night to finish), I'll just leave things the way they are for now. In the meantime though, things may be weird-looking - especially where formatting is concerned.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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