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Monday, February 25, 2008


Well, I am obviously back from the doctor's and there's nothing really new to report on the homefront here. I still have an entire house to clean and so forth, I am not going to talk about the Oscars (anymore), Paris and Britney managed to keep their collective panties on (it's still early on the West Coast, though), and I have some press releases I'll start cranking-out soon enough.

On that note, Dark Horse sent me a MONSTROUS press release on all the toys Dark Horse Deluxe is set to release in 2008 and while it is very impressive (and I thank you all, truly), it is... MONSTROUS! I actually got it yesterday and when I started formatting it for posting, it turned out to be a major undertaking. I think I will break it into several posts throughout the week.

DH's PRs are always a hassle for some reason. Half the attachments do not want to open, they are sent in PDF... just real work to repost them. Still, this one isn't as bad as some I've gotten, they just take a long time to format and I'm not in the mood to do it right this moment.

ANYhoo, I'm here and working, so sit back and enjoy!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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