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Monday, February 04, 2008

Today's Excuse - #2340972340975

Hey guys. We got a few things out to you today, and then we came to an almost complete halt, and I wanted to apologize for that.

My neck is really hurting me today - probably because I have been on the computer basically since I crawled out of bed. It hurts so bad I can't focus and I can't really accomplish anything. Unfortunately, I am forced to get some things done, so I have been taking as much of my pain medicine as I can and I'm stressed-out the doctor is going to get onto me for doing so... but what the hell can I do!? If I can't work and can't accomplish the things I have to do, then what choice do I have!?

I got my 1099s today and it's the first of the month, so I was busy paying bills online all day, as well as making lists for all the things I have to do the rest of this week (groceries, legal, etc.). I still have to print-out the tax forms I need and look into TurboTax. Of course, I have been blogging as much as I felt able to, and washing dishes, cooking meals, cleaning the house... everything hurts so bad that I can only do a little of anything at a time, but it all has a deadline and has to get done like yesterday, so...

So I am taking the rest of the night off and for that, I apologize. I have news and press releases to get to you and you will likely have heard about all of it by tomorrow, but I just can't do anything.

So, here's to a better day tomorrow (he said hopefully)!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

Aww! Why thank you, Chrissy!

I, too, await any word of brilliance that might flow forth from my fingertips.