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Sunday, February 24, 2008


Well, I had a few more things I could have gotten to today, but I got caught-up doing things around the house. Not even half as much as I'd have liked, but still a few things. I also worked behind the scenes here and there and on some of the other blogs.

Tomorrow, I have to be at the doctor's early (pray for me that all goes well - or chant, burn incense, cross things, whatever) and should be back around here in the late morning/early afternoon. I am sure I'll be getting a few PRs here and there and Paris will show someone/everyone her fur - you know, typical Monday - so there will be some action (not half as much as Paris' fur'll prolly see, but still...). But I also have to literally clean this entire place from top to bottom, yet again, so that I can hopefully pass the inspection thing I so spectacularly failed a week back, so...

Anyway, hope everyone's weekend was good and... you know. Your Rice Krispies stay crisp in milk or some shit.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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