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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Watchmen Lets You Kill Woodward and Bernstein

The new Watchmen video game lets you kill famed Watergate reporters, Woodward and Bernstein.

While I do not recall the sequence of events (it's been about 20 years since I read Watchmen and I honestly do not even know where it is, though I'm fairly certain I still have it), the Comedian apparently killed the intrepid duo, thus allowing then-President Nixon to dash the limits on Presidential terms. Nixon thus remained President of the United States throughout the 1980s and the video game picks up around this point. Director of the upcoming film, Zack Snyder, wrote the game to fill-in some of the gaps in the Watchmen universe.

I'm not sure how Alan Moore will feel about all this, but I'm not sure he cares. Creators' Rights issues aside, I applaud Snyder's approach toward making the video game another extension of the milieu, as opposed to just another franchise-based video game. And there's a lot of ways he could have gone with that (shooter, superhero, crime mystery) and just let the title alone move units, so his affection and excitement for the project may prove infectious, even though this movie is going to go through the roof on buzz alone.

Like 300, Snyder is proving he pays attention to the details, making each of his feature presentations based on comic book source material a unique, multimedia representation of the franchise. But in friendlier (and more creatively-motivated) terms, he pays attention to the source material and faithfully represents it in his chosen media; he takes it in hand but pays it reverence.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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