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Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Aptly-Named 'Lost'

The Weirding is dedicated to all things Nerd and, from what I understand, there are few things nerdier on network TV than Lost. In fact, I may be the only diehard geek who has never seen a single episode of the show! It's true. Never seen a single episode of The Sopranos, either, and both for the same reason:

I missed the first few episodes of both shows and they literally took off. I'm a little hesitant to get involved with anything scripted on network TV anymore and I don't think I had HBO when The Sopranos premiered (though I have only not had HBO for a handful of years since somewhere around 1998). Further, I'm downright against getting involved in anything which blows-up the way these two shows did - there's just no way they can live up to their sensational hype, deserved or not; I'm bound to be disappointed and somewhat bitter. Then I usually turn against the product because, having not lived up to my expectations and being forced down my throat, I rebel. I usually then have to eat my words some years later, as I actually enjoy it when I finally do experience it.

But the promos for this season have me intrigued. I realize I already missed the premiere, but it's not as if I can't catch it online. So I have to ask:

Would you like me to cover Lost?

I actually have an "in" at ABC and could get some advance screenings and maybe even bring you some teasers and/or swag (maybe), but I just haven't exploited that to this point - mainly because I was apprehensive as to how Life on Mars would turn out and now because I'm mad over how Boston Legal was treated.

Let me know and we'll see what we can do.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

1 comment:

skweeds said...

Hi, this may sound random but I just stumbled across your website and was really sorry to see you haven't watched LOST yet. Yes, I am a die-hard fan, as you can tell by the capitalization.

Anyway... I know you really have no reason to listen to me, but I figured I'd drop you a note nonetheless.

My opinion: LOST is the most redeeming show on television. It's AMAZING that something so good has gotten so popular, and that it's been able to STAY so good for so long. I think at the start the creators said specifically that it was not sci-fi, and now it's clearly proven itself to be... I think halfway through the third season was where it got to the point that ABC said, OK, well, we can guarantee you guys 6 seasons, do whatever you want, and that's when they sort of took off.

Anyway, I didn't start watching LOST from episode one. Not even from season one. I started watching LOST in spring of 2006, more than halfway into season 2. I decided to give it a chance because Jon Stewart interviewed Matthew Fox and said all the weird stuff happening on the show reminded him of Twin Peaks. Being a true-blue Twin Peaks fan, I downloaded the first season & watched it - inhaled it - with my boyfriend Charles. Charles and I are long over but our separate love affairs with LOST haven't died - I am not as eloquent as he is on the subject, but he still maintains his "Totally amazing LOST blog of awesomeness" and seems as enlightened as ever.
Now, the final season, things are really paying off, more than I ever could have imagined. I get that ABC wants to promote the shit out of this while they still can, but I really hope no one tunes in that hasn't seen everything leading up to it... because as amazing as each episode this season has been by itself (not to be lame-fangirly, but i really have cried during almost every season 6 episode yet) they really pay off in an astounding way when you take into account the show as a whole.

My current boyfriend knows nothing of LOST, and it really drives me crazy. He says sure, he'll watch it, as soon as the whole show is over and he hears that it's definitely worth it... My thought is, hey, even if something happened where I couldn't see the end of the show, I know that it's perfect. I know that it's amazing, and it'll have been worth it no matter what happens. Even if the end turns out to be some weird scientologist allegory that ends saying we should all donate money to LRon, it will have been worth it.

Writing this up I realize that yes, I am a crazy stupid fangirl, but it's okay. LOST merits it. I wish everyone could experience it... LOST isn't a secret I want to keep, it's a beautiful piece of artwork that I want to share. I'd recommend it to anybody, ESPECIALLY people who think. Also, it's really fun to watch it "live" with everyone else going crazy about "Who is ____?" "What is the monster?" etc, but it's still great to watch by yourself and see what you pick up on. Amazing.

Anyway, I don't think I can write anything else that might inspire you to get into it... BUT: I think LOST goes beyond hype: it's changed from what it was originally hyped about, but so much for the better. I couldn't imagine it being any better than it possibly is. Sadly, I can't imagine ANYTHING being better than it. Sigh. I need to find something to do with my life.

Anyway, keep up the good blog-work.