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Monday, February 16, 2009

Heroes: Something Actually Happened

So I said I was over it - and I really was; the only reason Heroes won-out over The Closer when it returned is because I completely forgot The Closer was premiering! And yet something actually happened. For the first time in... at least a season and a half, I actually watched Heroes - even more, I enjoyed it!

So I've been watching it regularly once again. And, I am happy to say, I'm loving it!

Things are actually happening! Not the way they never did before - you know, "Next week, it all happens" and all that shit - but really, actually happening. People are using their powers, stories are developing, characters are being revealed almost as often as they are introduced.

Which reminds me: wasn't there a little black kid and a black girl from Louisiana or something at one point? And that chick whose eyes went black when she killed people - what happened to her? Is "Tracy Strauss" no longer the other 53 chicks? Didn't one of them die?

I'd heard Heroes was getting a much-needed reboot, but it was fairly imperceptible - maybe only because I haven't paid attention to the freaking thing in like two years - and suddenly, things are happening, people with superpowers are getting all crazy and using them, characters have motivations and goals and they are actually acting on and pursuing them... it's like a real TV show!

And I am loving it!

Still, they need to sweep back through and tie-up some of those loose ends before I can say Heroes is back on top. And where the hell is Eureka?

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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