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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sober Living - Good Luck, Andy Dick

Is there anyone who doesn't enjoy Andy Dick's performances? I mean, he's been in at least a dozen sit-coms and even though he plays the same character (basically himself), he's always enjoyable to watch.

But, by that same token, I don't know anyone who enjoys seeing Andy Dick as himself offscreen - it's embarrassing. And illegal... Still, you have to like the guy on some level. There's just something about him that demands you do so, even when you see him do terrible things to others on security videos. (Okay, maybe not...)

Unfortunately, Sober House was only a few episodes long, Dick came in about midway through, and though he meshed well with the group, we did not get to see much of him. Also unfortunate is the fact that I missed the season finale, but every one of them has managed to stay out of the tabloids fairly well since then, so let's hope for the best for them all.

Still, I wish Andy Dick well particularly. He could use some serious good runs in his life and I, for one, hopes he gets them.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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