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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lot of Late Days Lately

Sorry about that (as well as all the alliteration and onomotopeia and what-not I got going on). The prescription for one of my medications was increased and it's been making me sleep like all day long. I went to bed at around 1am last night and woke up about 12 hours later! That's a pretty long nap... but I take that back, I was up last night around like 2-3am for about an hour. Still, that's close to what it's been like the last week or so, but it's going to take a minute for my body to adjust to it, so I'm just going with it.

The New Orleans adventure/supplement for Dark Conspiracy arrive today, and I will be gone tomorrow for yet another appointment (they are giving me an epidural to stop the pain - yes, an epidural - but not tomorrow), so I am scheduling several things to come out today and tomorrow, to give me the time away I need. If anything happens, I will pop-in to let you know, as I'm able to. I will also be checking back to approve comments.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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