The latest two installments of the Female Force series have drawn a firestorm of media attention, including features on Live with Regis and Kelly, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, and in People magazine, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, and thousands of blogs and other media outlets.
The Female Force series features some of the most influential women of our time.
"We overprinted both of these titles by 20% to allow for additional sales," said Bluewater publisher Darren G. Davis. "But the media attention sent sales through the roof again, so we get to offer a third printing."
The second run of both Female Force books is scheduled for release April 22nd.
The third printing of the comics will feature new covers by artist Vinnie Tartamella. Hillary Clinton's suit gets a makeover in the third edition and Sarah Palin is featured with her classic wink.
Female Force: Michelle Obama will be available April 29th. Davis said demand for the book is high and it is on-track to sell-out.
Three more Female Force titles - featuring Caroline Kennedy, Princess Diana, and Condolleeza Rice - are in production and scheduled for release in the coming months. A biographical series of political figures under the banner Political Power is already in production. The first book features Colin Powell.
© C Harris Lynn, 2009
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