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Friday, August 14, 2009


We've been going back and forth between the late-night posts and regular schedule, but I just wanted to drop-by and babble at ya a minute. Like I thought, everyone's busy with GenCon and stuff; I got maybe two PRs, one of which I'd already covered because it had hit the mainstream press earlier. I'll drop several of the communiques I received throughout the week that I didn't get to this weekend - kind of "wrap-up" the week - stuff you've likely already seen elsewhere.

Anyway, I'm about to turn this antenna and get some of the other channels that only come in late at night. I don't know what my body's up to; I'll schedule some stuff for tomorrow, but I'll either be up early or stay up late... if you aren't at GenCon, take it easy this weekend! It's supposed to be hot but comfortable here, and we're pretty far south, so you should be good. They're predicting thunderstorms Sunday, so there may be some rain wherever you are, too.

Drop me a comment, if you like - I'll be around! ttys

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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