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Friday, June 29, 2007


I thought I would drop a line or two about my agenda so everyone knows what to expect:

I told you I was looking to move and it appears as though I just may have an offer! Nothing's definite yet, but I'm holding out hope that everything works out fine and if it does, I will most likely be on the road to my new destination at the beginning of September. That means that I am going to have a lot of IRL stuff going on in the next few months and may not be able to spend as much time here as I have been. But let's be honest, I'll still be here. This shouldn't change much of anything because it just means I'll do the same thing I've been doing: one post here, two posts there, then a flood of like 20 in a day, then nothing, etc.

I am about to get into a major project for the site. It's a role-playing project and I am starting it today. This means that you may be seeing many more RPG-related posts in the coming weeks. Speaking of, I just wanted to mention that this is the reason activity cycles between the blogs and the site; it's not so easy to swap-out between projects on the drop of a dime. I've been reading a book on the Supernatural lately and there's been a flurry of activity over to The OddBlog; I got my most recent issue of Writer's Digest this week, so there will be flurry of activity over on Weird Ink; today is press release day, so there will be a flurry of activity here that I am going to try and stretch-out through the week. But when my mindframe is all comics and Paris and stuff, it's hard to just quit thinking about that and dash out an entry or two on EVPs or whatever, then flip on over and design a page on some D&D kingdom or whatever for the site, then jump back over here to talk about how high I figure Lindsay would need to be to let me Do Things to her...

Well, that last one is kind of easy because that's... that's like a recurring thought throughout the day.

But for today, I have some timely posts to get out, so there will be some action, and then tomorrow is Hex day, so there's that. Still, I urge you all to check out the other blogs and be patient. I'll keep you up to speed on what's happening as things unfold.

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