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Saturday, October 27, 2007

More Time Researching than Working

With all that's on my plate, things sometimes get a bit slow around here and there isn't anything I can do about that. I am currently working on redesigning the entire template for Weird Ink, quite literally from scratch. I found a very basic template with (most of the code) I needed to get me going, but customizing it has been a real learning curve and, all things told, I feel I'm doing fairly well so far (knock wood). Still, it has taken up two full days so far and I already know I'll be tweaking it well into the next few weeks.

Along the way, I have learned some very confusing, very dismaying information on how Blogger-hosted blogs work and that's in no small part or parcel as to why hits and Comments haven't been just setting the blog afire as late.

I'm going to keep you informed as to what I discover as I continue, but I also have The Weirding to get to, as well as an incredibly messy and unkempt house that has to be attended to before the yearly inspection.

The actual information I come up with on how Blogger runs its show here will be posted on Weird Ink once it is back up and running. I the meantime, I'll throw a press release your way or two today and tomorrow.

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