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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Slow but Comfortable

I know, I know - I said I would be here today and I haven't been. But I got dragged out of the house by a friend and we ended up...

She has a house that burned. She does real estate and she has several houses. One of them burned and she's invested a whole lot of money in refurbishing it. In so doing, they moved most of the stuff that was inside the house into a little barn-looking shed out back. Obviously no one lives at the property and the people living behind it have been stealing things out of the shed.

Now, this is Decatur County, TN: these people know the police are not going to do anything if they are not stealing from someone who "contributes" to the Police Fund, so they don't even bother with little, niggling things like hiding the evidence or anything so troublesome. That being the case, we were able to literally look into their yard and see the items they had stolen - a picnic bench (which they'd broken in two by placing a car motor on it), an armoire, a bed, and some assorted other things. So we had to walk over there and bring them back.

The people were home! In fact, they walked home from a neighbor's and kept their heads down so as not to face us! Just walked right on by us as we were moving my friend's stolen goods back onto her property, like we weren't even there! The female of the group came back around the corner from the convenience store and glared at us at first, but as she got closer and realized we weren't backing down, she also dropped her head and avoided us going into the house.

Like I said, the entire county is the most corrupt place I have ever even heard of, so my friend didn't bother filing a report. We tried to get the window they'd knocked-out back on the shed, but they had completely popped it out of the frame and it would not stay. We propped it up as best we could, put the padlock back on the door, and left.

It's a catch-22: why would we "donate" to the "Police Fund" when the cops do nothing to protect us and everything within their power to harass us every step of the way? Of course, since we refuse to "donate," we have no police protection.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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