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Sunday, October 26, 2008

True Blood - 10-26-08


Well, I just wrote about how I have had the "hankerin'" to play Vampire - or at least read the books - after well over 10 years of not having played it. I gave a short list of possible reasons but conspicuously absent was True Blood - and don't think I didn't notice! I started to edit the last post and add it, but figured I'd just wait and mention it here. And so I did.

What did I tell you about Sam? I was saying this more or less from the second episode! I had some ideas because of his relationship with the dog that was always snooping around Sookie and his hair color, but whenever Tara slept with him and he was "barking in his sleep," I was all over it!

That's one of the things about genre work that most people don't consider (and critics seem never to get): there has to be some predictability. I mean, what is a horror work without victims? What is a superhero work without some fantastic, climactic battle scenes? Oh... Heroes. But Heroes aside, True Blood works because of its mix of predictability and uniqueness.

And it is precisely this which has me champing at the bit to re-read Vampire even more!

I am not saying True Blood is ripping it off - far from it! I mean the entire idea of True Blood (as a product) alone keeps it original, and I absolutely love the whole silver "binding" concept, but with the inclusion of daemons, lycanthropes, and... I mean, I really love it, I just want to go back to the source - the source material most fans are probably unaware even exists!

More on this to come... as always.

(Oh - great episode!)

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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