
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ryan Gosling to be Green Lantern?

A short while back, we brought you the story on David Boreanaz' campaigning for the role of Green Lantern. Now, it appears the role may have gone to Ryan Gosling.

One of the writers told io9 he did not know if Gosling had actually gotten the part or not, but both he and most of the readers seem pleased with the casting, if it proves true. However, a lot of people also seem to be pulling for Nathan Fillion.

According to sources, this will not be a "dark" superhero movie, though that does not necessarily mean it will be four-color. "Four-color" refers to classic, "traditional" superhero comics - where the heroes are the good guys, the villains the baddies, and the morality is basically cut-and-dried. While Green Lantern has come in various incarnations, the general character is a good superhero with few moral compromises.

In my personal opinion, Gosling is too baby-faced for the role of any superhero. Boreanaz would be my choice.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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