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Monday, June 02, 2008

Tatum O'Neal: Cracked-Out

Technically, that's called a "teaser," except that it's accurate in this case and I want to apologize:

Tatum O'Neal was arrested for purchasing crack cocaine. She was observed handing money to a known crack dealer a few blocks from her home and when searched, police discovered a bag of crack, a bag of powder cocaine, and an unused crackpipe. O'Neal reportedly brokedown and pleaded for leniency, though police are not known for their mercy, compassion, or anything good and decent.

The truth is that Tatum O'Neal has been very forthcoming about her struggles with drugs and admitted that this was a relapse. As other commenters (elsewhere) have noted, it's not as if anyone's any safer with her off the streets, and though she did break the law, the very jail to which she was taken is most likely on some list to receive federal funding for "overcrowding."

It's just further proof that the entire American legal system is a commercially-driven enterprise. One douchebag, minor-celebrity basically kills his friend and gets eight whole months in jail, while another refuses to pay taxes and they want to imprison him for three damn years!

Tatum O'Neal should have gotten a warning, had her drugs and paraphernalia seized, and that's that; instead, they booked her, splashed her name all over entertainment news headlines, and will likely give her the maximum treatment to "make an example of her."

And Mike Nifong spent a single night in jail.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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